KIT-CATS provides equipment and software for both general pooled classrooms with technology and computers labs, as well as audiovisual support for rooms that are booked for events. If instructors need any additional equipment or software for a room once it has been booked, they can reserve it via our request forms.

Generally, any room reserved for classroom purposes is reserved by the registrar. Any room reserved for an event is reserved with Scheduling and Event Services.

Technology Classrooms

Any general pooled classroom with additional AV technology is a technology classroom. These classrooms are reserved by the registrar’s office, but Kit-Cats provides equipment and software support after reservations are complete.

On this site, technology classrooms are divided into rooms that come with installed instructor computers, and those where you must bring your own device.

The equipment that is permanently installed in these classrooms ranges from basic installs including a projector and laptop connection to podiums full of equipment including a computer, projector, document camera, and touch panel control system. .

Computer Labs

The Johns Hopkins University Homewood Campus has four computer labs; classrooms that have student computers as well as technology, available to reserve directly though Kit-Cats. We also provide equipment and software support for these classrooms.

Event Spaces

We also provide our usual audiovisual support for 10+ common event spaces on campus, including those in Scotts-Bates Commons, Levering Hall, Shriver Hall, and Mason Hall. Specific information about these event spaces can be found on the Scheduling and Event Services website.

Once an event space has been booked through Scheduling and Event Services, please use our Event request form to request specific AV needs.