These guidelines set forth standards for responsible and acceptable use of University computing resources. They supplement existing University policies, agreements, and state and federal laws and regulations. Computing resources include host computer systems, University-sponsored computers and workstations, communications networks, software, and files.

Computing resources are provided to support the academic research, instructional, and administrative objectives of the University. These resources are extended for the sole use of ASEN faculty, staff, students, and other authorized users (“users”) to accomplish tasks related to the user’s status at the University, and consistent with University’s mission.

Users are responsible for safeguarding their identification (ID) codes and passwords, and for using them for their intended purposes only. Each user is responsible for all transactions made under the authorization of his or her ID, and for all network activity originating from his or her data jack. Users are solely responsible for their personal use of computing resources and are prohibited from representing or implying that the content constitutes the views or policies of the University.

Violation of these guidelines constitutes unacceptable use of computing resources, and may violate other University policies and/or state and federal law. Suspected or known violations should be reported to the appropriate University computing unit. Violations will be processed by the appropriate University authorities and/or law enforcement agencies. Violations may result in revocation of computing resource privileges, academic dishonesty proceedings, faculty, staff or student disciplinary action, or legal action.

Rules and guidelines for Computer Lab users:

  • A current, valid JHU ID is required for admittance to the lab.
  • An instructor, TA(teaching assistant) or event leader must be present at all times in any of the computer classrooms during any course or event related activity.
  • Attempting to access or accessing another’s account, private files, or e-mail without the owner’s permission; or misrepresenting oneself as another individual in electronic communication.
  • Installing, copying, distributing or using software in violation of: copyright and/or software agreements; applicable state and federal laws.
  • Altering system software or hardware configurations without authorization, or disrupting or interfering with the delivery or administration of computer resources will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
  • Using computing resources for commercial or profit-making purposes without written authorization from the University.
  • Using computer resources for illegal activities. Criminal and illegal use may include obscenity, child pornography, threats, harassment, copyright infringement, defamation, theft, and unauthorized access.
  • No eating, drinking(except water only), smoking, or chewing tobacco permitted.
  • Please be considerate. This is a public facility. Refrain from loud talking, and use radios with earphones only. Avoid opening audio files. If you do need to open any audio files, do so sparingly and at low volume, or use headphones.
  • All temporary user files should be saved in the “SaveFilesHere” folder on the PCs and Macs.
  • Any user file not in the above directories may be deleted without notice.
  • Hopkins ITS is not responsible for the loss of any data due to hardware failure, software viruses or user error. The center tries to take all precautions to minimize these types of problems. However, unavoidable problems may occur due to the public use of our facilities.
  • Do not display on public screens images, sounds, or messages which could create an atmosphere of discomfort or harassment to others.
  • Close all open applications on the computer you are using before leaving the Lab. On the Macintoshes, make sure there are no applications in the Finder (the pull-down menu on the top right corner of the screen) except “Finder”.
  • If the Lab is at capacity, computers left unattended for an extended period of time will be made available to clients waiting to use them. If a screen saver appears on the screen of a Mac or PC, that is an indication that at least ten minutes of disuse have elapsed, and waiting clients are free to use that machine. Efforts will be made to save unattended work on the local public drive or folder and have unattended belongings brought to the Lab Assistants’ Desk, but Hopkins ITS claims no responsibility for lost work or stolen property.
  • Push in your chairs before you leave. If you have moved any of the chairs, return them to their original places.
  • Shirt and shoes are required at all times.
  • Defacing the lab is prohibited.
  • Gaming of any sort is the lowest priority on ANY computer in the lab.