You should now be submitting your AV when you request your room in 25Live . If you have any questions please contact us at

Proceed to enter your request if you have been instructed to do so by KIT-CATS, if you originally submitted your 25Live request answering the question “Do you need AV?” as No or I Don’t Know.

Please note: If this request is being made within 10 business days of the event, we will try to accommodate last-minute service requests, assuming we have the staff and equipment available, but please be advised that a 25% surcharge ($50 minimum) will be applied to the final quote. We cannot accept requests within 24 hours of the event/class.

Any requests for room bookings for an event should be requested/confirmed through Scheduling and Event Services prior to contacting KIT-CATS for support. Specific information about event spaces is available on the Scheduling and Event Services website.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations for event support must be made two business days prior to the event, to avoid any equipment charges or cancellations fees. A $50 cancellation fee will be made for any cancellation made beyond that point. Cancellations for day of the event are considered a no show and include all equipment/tech fees, plus the $50 penalty.